Today Monday, 20 January, 2025
Natural mica ware
Separating mica
Capacitor mica
Edge-surfaced mica
Photomultiplier and special commutator mica
Plucked mica
Rod and screen mica
Plates for ignition systems
Instrument-making plates
Formed pressed components
Electric insulating materials
Micaceous laminate
Micanite ware & Micaceous laminate ware
Micaceous laminate tape
Grind and crushed mica
Grind mica
Crushed mica
Artificial mica
Слюда для дизайна и реставрации
Слюда для СВЧ-печей
Natural mica-ware >> Capacitor mica Federal Standard 7134-82
Square shaped plates.
as capacitor protective strips for capacitors
Length, mm
Width, mm
Thickness, mm
Average electrical strength, kW/mm
SO – standard mica
not more than 100
not more than 100
0,020 - 0,055
SF – filter mica
not more than 100
not more than 100
0,020 - 0,055
SNCH - low-frequency mica
not more than 100
not more than 100
0,020 - 0,055
SNCHT – fine low-frequency mica
not more than 100
not more than 100
0,020 - 0,055
SVCH - superhigh frequency mica
not more than 100
not more than 100
0,020 - 0,055
SZ – protective mica
not more than 100
not more than 100
0,1 - 0,3
Capacitor mica prices
Версия для печати
Trip scheme
Picture gallery
Useful links
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